A flower. A sprig. A hit. Reinvented espadrilles and elevated to the maximum exponent of coquetry child. This is only part of the universe created by Hortensia Maeso for Kids Rubio by and for the most sweet, but also more demanding. They are young to know what they want but they know what they like. Without doubt, are the creations of this designer Valencia meeting point between the house kids and moms seeking sophisticated and designed clothes retail.
Hortensia is a mother and likes fashion, so that when you take the stylus nothing is left to chance. Does your milestone? Join the nostalgia that emanate Rubio calligraphy notebooks with fashion and, after only four years, make a name for himself in his first appearance at Cibeles. An excellent critical endorse, but also an endless number of new projects. In addition, last week received the award Trends VLC for best children's designer by a jury of 21 experts in fashion and design. A team that, without doubt, surrendered to the magnificent and charming designs for Rubio Hortensia Kids.
interviewed a week ago in A fashion (107.4 FM, Radio CEU) Hortensia Maeso a few days after returning from his adventure sable. I have to thank from here to invite me to go with it. I hope to do very soon, we'll have time! How long have you know this great person , because before a designer is a person and, as I wrote a few days ago, the mother of one of my best friends. The truth is that success makes me totally happy and feel almost like mine, but the best is yet to come ... Here is the interview:
. Patricia
.- How Cibeles Madrid has gone Brides 2010? It is the first year it was open to children's fashion ...
. Hortensia
.- It was an unforgettable experience and very different from what we've done so far. We had marched in FIMI (International Fashion Fair Child) other times, but the role that takes the designer Cybele is huge, and very pleasant. For our part, there has been a very large compensation for the congratulations we've received, as well as the reception of media. The effort has paid off. Patricia
.- What Kids Rubio presented on the catwalk?
.- It was an unforgettable experience and very different from what we've done so far. We had marched in FIMI (International Fashion Fair Child) other times, but the role that takes the designer Cybele is huge, and very pleasant. For our part, there has been a very large compensation for the congratulations we've received, as well as the reception of media. The effort has paid off. Patricia
.- What Kids Rubio presented on the catwalk?
Hortensia .- been shown a collection of communion dresses, which is a version quite innovative in the world but we took communion defending two or three years and is having great success.
Hortensia .- been shown a collection of communion dresses, which is a version quite innovative in the world but we took communion defending two or three years and is having great success.
Patricia .- What audience Rubio Kids aims to reach?
. Hortensia
.- Above all, a young mom. These cover a public demand for something different, something special, girls to see girls as brides are not . We are very pleased with the work done so date although it has required much effort because, today, risk is therefore very difficult. Patricia
.- Soon Kids Rubio new store in the heart of shopping in Valencia ...
.- Above all, a young mom. These cover a public demand for something different, something special, girls to see girls as brides are not . We are very pleased with the work done so date although it has required much effort because, today, risk is therefore very difficult. Patricia
.- Soon Kids Rubio new store in the heart of shopping in Valencia ...
. Hortensia
.- Yes, the new store is on the street Sorní (Valencia) and now we move, we're riding. In about 15 or 20 days we will celebrate the opening but will be open to the public within days. Patricia
.- We shall soon visit the store. And more projects on the horizon? Hortensia
.- Yes we are working on a collection Teen, Blond Girls, but also for a young mother who wants to go dressed as your little girl. The two collections will be in stores from September, ahead of the autumn-winter.
.- Yes, the new store is on the street Sorní (Valencia) and now we move, we're riding. In about 15 or 20 days we will celebrate the opening but will be open to the public within days. Patricia
.- We shall soon visit the store. And more projects on the horizon? Hortensia
.- Yes we are working on a collection Teen, Blond Girls, but also for a young mother who wants to go dressed as your little girl. The two collections will be in stores from September, ahead of the autumn-winter.
Throughout the post you have seen pictures of the latest collections of Kids by Hortensia Maeso Rubio. All are the spring-summer 2010 collection. To keep track of the signing, here's the website: http://www.rubiokids.com/
Until next time!
... pimpattpum!
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